Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring Wildflower time

It seemed like winter was so long and now all of a sudden it's springtime. The frog and toad sounds fill the woods and the wildflowers are blooming, above is a bluebell that is just about ready to open-this flower is along the Ozark Trail at the crossing of the Courtois Creek at Bass' River Resort. Wildflowers are found on all the sections of the Ozark Trail, these photos of wildflowers are from along the Courtois Creek Section that were taken on a hike in the "Narrows" area near Bass' River Resort.
Harbinger of spring
Dog-toothed violet or Trout lily
Adam and Eve orchid-first time I've seen this with two leaves.


1 comment:

  1. This is what I am lacking -- an intimate knowledge of local flora and fauna. Thank you for posting and writing the guides. I read your name on a few other sites as well, so you must be doing something correctly. Keep up the great work! And thank you!


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